Term | Definition |
immunologic functions | Production and action of cells that fight disease or infection. Hits - 845 |
impaired | Being classified as weakened or damaged. Hits - 818 |
impending | Is about to happen. Hits - 908 |
impenetrable | Impossible to pass through or enter. Hits - 835 |
indigenous breeds | Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place, native Hits - 873 |
indiscriminately | In a random manner; unsystematically. Hits - 869 |
indistinguishable | Not being able to be identified as different or distinct. Hits - 889 |
inexplicable | Unable to be explained or accounted for. Hits - 922 |
infertility | The inability to conceive children or young. Hits - 885 |
infestation | The presence of an unusually large number of insects or animals in a place, typically causing damage or disease Hits - 942 |
innumerable | Too many to be counted (often used hyperbolically). Hits - 954 |
insolvent | Being unable to pay debts owed. Hits - 845 |
integral part | It is necessary to the completeness of the whole: This point Hits - 927 |
intensification | The action of making or becoming more intense. Hits - 839 |
interbreeding | (with reference to an animal) breed or cause to breed with another of a different race or species Hits - 917 |