AgriInfo Glossary

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Term Definition
cartilaginous plates

Well-organized and highly specialized tissue which drives the longitudinal elongation of bones developing through endochondral bone formation

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Toward the tail or feet, or posterior end

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At or near the tail or the posterior part of the body

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The fact or process of ending or being brought to an end

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chorioptic mange


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Is the material of which the chromosomes of organisms other than bacteria (i.e. eukaryotes) are composed, consisting of protein, RNA, and DNA.

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A narrow metal enclosure for holding or restraining livestock, in which an animal may be vaccinated, branded, etc.

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circulation capital

The movement of automatically growing value in production and distribution, during which the capital assumes three functional forms (monetary, productive, and commodity) and passes through three stages. At the end of the process, the capital returns to its initial form.

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clonic phase

There is uncontrolled jerking of the body

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clostridial disease

Are caused by anaerobic bacteria that are widespread in the environment, particularly in soil, and are often fatal. The bacteria produce spores that can survive in the environment for a very long time.

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The chemical element of atomic number 27, a hard silvery-white magnetic metal.

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A disease of birds and mammals that chiefly affects the intestines, caused by coccidia.

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To occur at the same time.

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Is a breast fluid produced by humans, cows, and other mammals before breast milk is released.

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It is a rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production of heat and light.

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